Wonders of Oz: The Three Sisters
20 May 2006

The Three Sisters can be found in The Blue Mountains. They stand 922, 918 & 906 metres tall, respectively. The photo is the view you'd see on one part of Echo Point.
The three sisters are swathed in Aboriginal legend: The story goes that a witch doctor had three beautiful daughters ('Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo') who fell in love with three chaps from a rival tribe (Nepean) - a taboo in their culture. The chaps decided that culture could swing - so they tried to take the sisters away by force. A fierce battle ensued, and to prevent his daughters being captured, the quack turned them to sandstone.
The brothers chased the old chap in a bid to get his magic stick and he got caught by a couple of their spears and fell into a fire where he died - he was resurrected as a bird in the ashes with a long twin spiked tail (representing the spears) - this bird is the Kookaburra which scratches the ground looking for its magic stick to turn itself back into a man and to return his daughters to life.
You can view the Three Sisters from the edges of the cliff or you can cross over to the massive rock formation and climb up its sides through defined walkways and on giant stairs.
Warning: Here, as elsewhere on the mountains, keep to the track, let people know where you're headed, keep your bearings, and don't get lost. You'd be surprised how easy it is to lose your way in the bush. There have been deaths as a result of hypothermia, starvation, injuries or other causes.
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